Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Too Lazy To Fill Out A Provisional License-

-But not lazy enough to think about transport ideas. I deserve some kudos for that, right? Anyhow, I'm as you loyal readers will well know, I'm 18 and approximatley three quarters of a year old. So as the lovely English law stands, I should've been driving, well.. ages ago! But the license form is full of trickery and meanness! And I simply don't have enough patience. And the photo will look bad. I can't find the photos at this particular moment in time, but they would be horrible and I'd run over all the little children and cats and pidgeons. All by accident of course. As you''ve probably guessed, I'm running out of common sense and replacing it with song lyrics and other unecassary things. So yeah, don't give me a license, I'd run things over and have races with busses or something. Makes me feel bad tho, when I'm sat at a rainy busstop or I hear of someone several years younger than me passing theory tests and such. I'll be thinner by doing all this walking and for not being tempted to go through the Drive-Thru's at McDonalds or KFC or something.

Anyway, the bikes are so pretty. Wouldn't mind wheeling it about Geordie town with some tulips or fresh figs (what are fresh figs?) in me basket. 't would be lovely and poetic and excellent. I rather tempted by the turquoise vespa in picture five. But you'd need a form to drive that, wouldn't you? Hmmhmhahrr.! It'd probably be much more dangerous, and perhaps the helmet would scruff up the tresses. But my hair is wibbly most of the time anyway, so I can't imagine it would make much of a difference. I'd also get to wear the matching tights in picture four. That would be pretty funky; I'll think about that one. Another reason is that Vespa is a nice sounding word. Vespa vespa vespa spider vespa vespa. Giggle.

The unicorn bike in picture eight I also wouldn't say no to, but maybe riding into an educational insitution full of mature 19-24 year olds in this fairytale number probably wouldn't gain me much street cred', innit. Having read all of that last little sentence, will you please ignore it for the moment and let me take an alpaca lama thing into the lecture theartres? Adorable much? Fluffy!! You won't be able to hear this, but I've got that high pitched voice in my head we people have when confronted with babies and alpaca lamas and Galaxy bars. Fluffy little critters! I want one..

Ooh, I'm gonna be off now because I'm feelin' peckish. I can tell this because I can't stop thinking about galaxy bars. Om nom nom.

(Picture credit: fffound, blogspot )

Quote Of The Post: 'DON'T SMOKE: If we see smoke around you, we'll assume you're on fire and drench you with water.' -Source unknown.

:) Emmy xo