Saturday 30 April 2011

Went to Morrisons today to get food stuffs and a writing notebook for revision. Managed to get the foodstuffs, but picked up a sketchpad instead. (They have the same covers okay, it's deceptive !) Also found triangular marker pens, intentionally for revision. So far it's sort of being used as revision, but in the creating-a-really-pretty-and-elaborate-revision-timetable sense. It totally counts as revison, because it's an aid-to revision.. Excellent.

Anyway, saw these pictures on tumblr and saved them 'cause they're all arty and pretty but irratatingly inspire me to draw things instead of learning about them. Maybe not even to draw things, but are subconciously fuelling my stationary buying adiction. Which I'd come off of untill an innocent trip to Morrisons to buy foodstuffs today came about. And now I believe that it's imperative that I fill the sketchbook and use the triangular pens (even though they're designed for nine year olds, nineteen year olds find them adorable and love the easy-grip too..) for creatively amazing sketches which will then motivate my black and white and sepia unmotivated procastinating brain into understanding theories about bioprogrammes. Which I think, sounds cooler than it actually is. When I have finished creating amazing pieces of artwork then I shall post a photo of the marker pens on tumblr in order to silently encourage fellow student unmotivated procrastinators to draw pretty bunnies and blog about it and revise afterwards.

Mmm. Have come to the conclusion that I may not have the best work ethic in the world, but perhaps the greatest collection of stationary..

Quote of the Post: Love her, love her, love her! If she favours you, love her. If she wounds you, love her. If she tears your heart to pieces – and as it gets older and stronger, it will tear deeper – love her, love her, love her! Great Expectations, Charles Dickens.

:) Emmy xo

Monday 25 April 2011

Camping Out Plans and Taylor Swift Street Style

Taking a break from German prepositional compliments and nosying at Taylor Swift's street style. Printed dresses +oversized cardigans + big sunglasses + oversized sweatshirts + skinny jeans are now on le shopping list. Must go shop and have all these things!

I realise that this isn't dissimilar to the Karen Gillan street style post where shopping for pretty things turned out to be significantly more interesting than Latin verbs or whatever. Don't get me wrong, I love what I do. I think it's just that I am easily distracted. Especially when the distraction is in clothing form.

Should go now, and campout and wait for the shops to open so I can stock up on more printed dresses. Grr at you bank holiday, why are things not open today ! Tommorow morning is such a long way away..

Quote of the post: 'And your walk by lies and your humiliation/You, have pointed out my flaws again/As if I don’t already see them'- Mean, Taylor Swift.

:) Emmy xo

Images via, effyeahtswift, tayloralison, direct lyrics.

Friday 22 April 2011

Any Bow Is Better Than No Bow At All

Overflow/spam of ribbons and bows and bits of string things today. I'm not sure I know why, but I like if you where a dress that comes with a tie round your waist so you can make it into a bow at the back? It never comes out perfect tho, but hey, any bow is better than no bow at all.

Also, in the early bit of Matilda, (the film version) they show her tying a ribbon on her head at like six or something. I should've found a screenshot, but I didn't think about it untill just now after I put 20,0000 ribbon pictures on and then started jabbering at you about them. Anyway, you get my drift.

I think that image slipped into my subconcious or whatever as a child 'cause I then decided every female I drew had to have a ribbon on it's head. I think that my Gran has a really squiffy portrait painted by a five year old me somewhere. At least, I hope she still has it; she could sell it on Ebay if I ever get famous. Which will (hopefully) be never, because that would be odd, and if it did, I imagine it would get as much popularity as the dead bee someone is attempting to flog up there.

Should go now, and revise. Even tho it's 00:29 and a new series of How I Met Your Mother is available ..but instead of the revision and telly watching I want to nip out to a craft shop and stock up on ribbons and have a ribbon drawer like Monica off of Friends.. why is everyone so sleepy and every shop so closed at thirty eight minutes past midnight..? That, I shall never understand.

Quote of The Post: Monica: 'What if the baby gets into the ribbon drawer? Messes up all the ribbons?! What if there's no room for a ribbon drawer, because the baby's stuff takes up all the space!? Where will all the ribbons go!?!'

:)Emmy xo

Monday 11 April 2011

Denial in Temperature

It's been like, 1000+ degrees outside this week. Dont get me wrong, I love it; but all I want is a slouchy white knit and a mug of hot Ovaltine. Is that weird?

Quote of The Post: 'Colour my life with the chaos of trouble' - Belle and Sebastian

:) Emmy xo

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Being Confused Counts As Being Productive

Having a themed productive/not so productive day. It depends how you look at it. Not so productive cause I haven't started revising, apart from a quick do -over of the genetive case in German yesterday, but I'm pretty sure I've forgotten it all by now. Productive.. cause I'm sat watching old episodes of Stylista and being confused. Being confused, in this instance, is totally productive. Yesterday, I was all 'yey, I'll go work on a magazine, I can do that' but then today has been just ..'ah an office with supposedly horrible people, no thanks, I'll just crawl off inside myself and live for one hundered years.' But I dunno, I think this is going to be one of those days where it's like 'when I grow up I want to be a magazine editor' and tomorrow it'll be 'when I grow up I want to be an art therapist'.. I've been googling potential circuses that I could join, but I don't think I can even walk on two feet on a level floor, in a straight line, let alone attempt it on a piece of string, several meters high.

I think in the end, I'm going to live under somebody's stairs, where I can't like, make any mistakes or turn around and accidentally hit someone in the face or whatever.

I digress. My productive day: watching Stylista on youtube, watching The Devil Wears Prada, reading The Devil Wears Prada (after finishing The History of Love), and flicking through magazines. And then deciding that I want work experience at a magazine, but then realising there are no fashion magazine places in Wakefield, perhaps not even West Yorkshire. And then I'll go back to the metaphorical drawing board of careers I have in my head and eating an easter egg. Sure, it's not yet easter, but I shall live on the wild side today. (Boy, I need to calm it down. . )

I can't cope in the holidays. I think I need structure and timetables, because left to my own devices I just read half of books, watch rereuns on youtube and stress about not having a job. I should totally get a job. But as a human being, I am quite sure I am unemployable and relatively out of the conventional box.

More easter egg, me thinks.

Quote of The Post: 'You sold you soul the day you put on that first pair of Jimmy Choo's'- Emily, The Devil Wears Prada.

:) Emmy xo

Sunday 3 April 2011

Art, Music and Golden Syrup

So The Mysteries of Udolpho went out the window... sort of. I went to Waterstones today and got this, cause it's been on my 'to read' list for a million years and I couldn't find it in Newcastle and it was in my hometown bookshops.. .mmm. bad times. I'm sure it's beautiful, I've read about a page and it seems quite nice.

But that's not what I wanted to talk about today: I was looking through Dirty Pretty Thing's tumblr, and saw this 'Backstage' painting by Michael Carson. It made me smile, with the dusty colours, white heels, cute little dresses and cropped hairstyles. I wonder what backstage is for? I'm presuming a fashion show, but I'm hoping a dance show. Freestyle, all crazy and lovely. Carson 'primarily a figurative Artist who likes to tell a story'

'emphasize relationships of color and light and allow the texture of his brush stroke to move the viewer’s eye through the art'

I don't know much about art, but the relationships of colour and texture thing sounds pretty cool. If I had a million pounds I would totally get it. I reccommend you look at his other work, 'Yellow Stripes' and 'Blue Square and Flowers' which are also rather sweet.

mmm. On another level, I don't know what's realy wrong with me, I'm trying to be smiley, but there's something I'm not sure about. Rah. Anyway, pretty paintings, new books and elbow lyrics are going to change all that, I am certain of it. And porridge with golden syrup for breakfast tomorrow, nom. Had a silly dance with some friends I hadn't seen for a while today, which was cool.

The world isn't very grey at all. It's much better with art and music and golden syrup. Apologies, readers will be much better tomorrow. Will watch Silk on iPlayer, and finish peanut m&m's. nom nom.

Quote of the Post: 'We got open arms for broken hearts/Like yours my boy/ come home again/Everyone's here'- Elbow, Open Arms

:) Emmy xo