When I was at home (back in Yorkshire) a couple of weeks ago I got to have a look round one of those statley homes, which I realy enjoyed because all the pretty carpets and interiors and such were still intact.. and rather large living rooms and libraries with realy old books in..very fascinating, all in all. Anyway, I saw this painting that was hanging in one of the bedrooms and the tour guide guy explained that this painting was by an artist called Angelica Kauffman, who spoke alot of languages and was talented in music as well as being a famous painter.
'The portrait shows Kauffman sitting between two mythical female figures - one art, one music - while they vie for her attention. The character of "painting" is rendered as a stern creature, though heroic and virtuous, whereas the figure for "music" is seen as a more light - hearted creature, bringing out feelings of sensual pleasure in the viewer. Kauffman's body language in the picture reveals her regret at choosing painting'.
(Information from answers.com -last accessed November 2010)
So when I saw this painting it sort of struck a chord with me that day, cause similiarly to Kauffman aswell as languages I also enjoy working with colours, collages and sketching etc. While I suck at drawing, and I'm not a massive artist, I still enjoy being creative like in in textiles lessons back in College. I do love linguistics as a whole and do still wish to be a Speech and Language Therapist, I miss sketching. And would sometimes rather be doing that instead of syntax and things. Just a thought.
I think I'm having one of these 'I'm in the wrong degree' days, which I think is kind of like a mid life crisis, but university style. Mostly, cause I was looking at all the work I have to do for Academic Skills and such and my mind went silent. It still is a little bit, assignment wise, but it's more interested in watching America's Next Top Model and eating Jammy Dodgers, which it realy shouldn't be.
Butttt, I have decided that I shall 'man-up' as they say, tomorrow and write essays on Chomsky's linguistic theory and eat Jammy Dodgers. Sounds like a plan.
Quote of the Post:
'Mis-shapen Chaos of well seeming forms'-Romeo, Romeo+ Juliet, W. Shakespeare
:) Emmy xo