Tuesday, 31 May 2011

If Happy Little Bluebirds Fly

Bored of le revision today. Which is bad for me to say, I geddit. However, break times are as important as the actual revision, and we're calling this a break time. Even tho, it's taken me about three hours to fix this up and find the shots and ususally half an hour to do German imperfects. Perhaps not an equal balance, but any balance is better than no balance at all, methinks.

Anywho, I really really like bird print /starling things. As you can probably tell. And I also like shopping. The colour blue and moodboards. trah lah! All excellent things in one blog post. So at least if I fail my exams, at least I know I have done something (sort-of) productive instead of lying about and doing nothing productive. And I'll have something pretty to look at. And will buy all these things. Once I marry a sugardaddy and so will have no need for degree at all. And live happily ever after. Excellent plan.

First things first. What to purchase? Even tho I don't work as much as a student, I have the budget for one. I was thinking maybe the birdcage necklace from Stolen Thunder, but now I've seen a skipping rope one which I like much more. WAH.

Haven't planned a holiday this year, but I walked past the local pool today was thinking that all I have interms off swimm wear is a black mandatory costume from year seven. EIGHT YEARS AGO. In my mind it still fits. But in reality it most likely does not. Which simply wont do. Must head to Accessorize in revision break tomorrow. It's not like I've not got any goals.

The skirt I'm on and off about. tbh. I have a blue satin (?) skirt from TK Maxx I bought almost three years ago (what's wrong with me, why is everything in my wardrobe so OLDDD? Evidently, it's imperative that this needs to be fixed!) but if we're honest my sister stole it and probably stretched it .. (she most likely hasn't, but I'm pulling at strings for excuses to buy a new one here). And this one has bird embroidery on it ! And is designed by Diana Vickers. Who, let's be honest, is nice enough, but I'm not her number one fan. But what I am a fan of is blue satin skirts, with bird embroidery. Which I think settles this.

The swallow necklace I'm not sure about. But it's a nice blue, and again, I like swallows. And blue.

Then again, might just not buy anything and man up and revise and revamp said old wardrobe and untill I come up with something cool. Which is what usually happens. Will also purchase second hand D.V.D of Romeo + Juliet and copy Clare Dane's costumes. Which is perhaps a more realistic plan than the sugar daddy one. Although, I have to say, it is an extremely close plan b.

:) Emmy xo

p.s: wanted to include this shot in the inspiration bits, but Flickr wouldn't let me. It's actually my shot, but I've forgotten my own usename and password. trah lah lah, typical.

Quote of the Post: 'I long to reach my home and see the day of my return. It is my never- failing wish' -Odyssey, Homer.

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Under Cover of Darkness In a Faux Fur Fluffy Coat

Fluffy coat fun today. Not, I may have to stress, fur coats. But the faux fur ones, tar very much. I'm refering to the fluffy coats you can snuggle and disapear in for a life time. To be honest, I'm not sure if they'd suit me, but I'd just like one to wear stilletos with, gliding round the flat with a chocolate cigarette, calling everyone 'dahhling.'
Ages ago, I went to a carboot sale with a friend, cause she loves those things. I remember it well, it was boiling, which was weird for Yorkshire. One of those temperatures which is so unlike the North, England even, that makes you ask. Whoa. There's something wrong here. One of those temperatures where everyone goes, 'the sun is out, everyone, head to the beach!' That wasn't the vibe or anything, but it was unusually hot for a Sunday. Anyway, at the car boot sale, I got a typewriter for like 50p or something, I wish a little bit, that I still had it now. I might Amazon one later.. mm. The point to the story.. I walked past some fur coats on a rail thing. I should've thought to get them, but I didn't at the time cause it was too hot. Damn it weather, you crazy.
I didn't wear a coat this morning, while I was walking. Partly cause when I get dressed for the day I peek out the window and the sun is shining. But as soon as I step outside the door, gusts of winds come at me and thunderstorms and rain magically appear, and not in a good way. As if there is a good way for rain to come, but nevermind.

The other reason why I didn't wear a coat this morning because I woke up at 09:38 and I had to meet a mate at 09:40 and I just ransacked the wardrobe for a dress and cardigan. Standard. We were out walking and it was super windy and leaves were flying into my eyes and my hair flew everywhere, so I couldn't see anything..mew. bad times. Was not best pleased with this weather.

ANYWYAYYYYWAY, what charged this post was that I'd feel totally indestructable with a faux fur fluffy coat. Perhaps not in the rain, or against swords and cat claws indestructable, but hidden from the wind, none the less. Also, I keep stumbling upon The Royal Tennanbaums screenshots (first pic, above) with Gwyneth Paltrow and her iconic windy proof look.

Wonder where I can get one from? Probably useless anyway, cause it's almost (or at least it should be) summer here. Might get one and keep it for the winter, but hey, these are just thoughts out loud.

Quote of the Post: 'At your best/ It's a nightmare/ So I'm joining the army.'- Under Cover of Darkness, The Strokes.

:) Emmy xo