By my times, it is Friday, honest, but after I've posted this it'll be Sat'day, and blogger will be all wrong. Cause I know it always says the date above the title for some reason and I figure I'd better explain about why it says Friday, part 2 and Sat'day at the top, even tho the part one to this was like a week ago.. but hey, on here I guess that's how we roll.
But this isn't even a website post today, Imma being terribly cheeky misleading when I say , Godguyz, website coolness over here! (Bit of an odd holler, granted, but I was trying t be streetwise, forgive, forgive) but it follows on from the last lazy post in a sense that I got in a minor, in my head, hissy fit slash 'ooh lightbulb moment' phase of thoughts that I should do a HIMYS post for the loveerly readers out there. Unfortunatley, for the photo opps, Imma only in possession of a silver wibbly gadget of a camera, that I've probably spilled orange juice down. again, so the quality is a bit poor; you may have to blur your eyes, blink a bit, overcharge on the old imagination and pretend I suddenly went all Rankin on your ass and created images of blinding brilliance, ahem. And there aren't any shots of me and my squiggly wiggly fringe pouting and putting lipstick on, waiting for my chance to come. Cause recently, perhaps a dawning and oh-so-realistic fear has come up about being all old and twenty, and I've just come over and morphed into this thirteen year old man-child that slouches about in mens tracksuits and dark chocolate hobnobs, wailing and weeping over a wasted, mad-cracked misspent youth. But am almost over it, now reborn into an 'oh the places you'll go' new age slice of optimism, but saying that, I live in a house full of thieves and somebody has nicked my personal stash of dark chocolate hobnobs from my dress drawer and from my heart, so I've slipped back, not so momentarily, off the wagon and into the sulks, so nerr at life. Perhaps not a moment and a face that should be captured all over the net, y'know? Some other time, maybess, when am not so much man-child hag lady, coming out in hives and sexyness, waiting for exam results, panic panic, breathe deeply.
Which, I should explain, is what has eaten up le entire summer, rock and roll, and why, my summer photo album, shows not of drinking shots off of some gentlemans hot bod in Magaluf or similar, but of det and nom and Latin origins. Crazy times, man. Esp in picture three, that awkward moment when your nail polish matches the colour of your revision book. (Y'know, there are times, flashes of life, when I think that I just can not get any cooler...)
But that is what this is, an inadequate homage, if you will, to HIMYS or an advert for Paper Chase, here and here, either or. But a summer of bad-ass insomnia, an embarrassing over load on the fashion magazines, more so than usual, just so I can get my cut of the outside world; I'm hoping it's the same as I left it. However, totes man, who cares, Imma free chicken again, YEY. To finally live my live, 'born free, as free as the wind blows.. . as free as the grass grows, de dum de dum de dum' etc etc. What shall I do with my new found free, last counted moments of yoofdom. ? *shrugs* I dunno, tumblr, fb or summat. Same old same old...
Quote of the post: 'cause it's hard to feel like, you're worth something in this life/ we're just waiting for a chance to come' -Waiting For My Chance To Come, Noah and The Whale. (omg, just seen this guy on the telly perform at Reading Fest, you and your braces, mister noah man, come and sing me some o' your lullabies.. cheers)
:) Emmy xo
Inspired by: Daisybutterr
(She can be my website find of the Friday)
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