Thursday, 18 August 2011

Thursday, Website Finds Part 1

HIMYS is a photography based blog, with intimate shots and sneaky peeks into the personal spaces of the most famous bloggers on the 'sphere. If you're a loyal browser of Elle Uk magazine, it's a bit like 'Closet Confidential' (which is one of my favourite pieces) but in cyberspace form.

I haven't heard of the bloggers, and if you can see from my frequents in 'Reading List' over there >> that there probably aren't many blogs out there that I haven't at least heard of. (I'm coming across well read and fairly learned here, not my intention. Just sort of shows how much possibly pointeless time I spend perusing what feels like every blog on the net.)

These are cute girls with seemingly charmed lives. Not like I'm jealous or anything. Obvs. But apparently a full fringe and an extensive jewellery collection are the criteria of running a successfull blog these days. Deffo not jealous. Unfortunately I only have a half a 'comb over', depending on whether it behaves itself, and rings are tricky in my experience, since they always seem to end up down the toilet bowl. Okay, only one did, and I still don't know how it got there. It was a tenner from Accessorize and it was beaut I'm still sore about it, mpmh. I do however have a ridiculous stash of bracelets (check the url, lol) and necklaces and the odd trinket, so I reckon I'm about halfway there.

Despite my blue and grumpy shaded review of HIMYS, I do actually recommend it. I forget where it was recommended to me, perhaps from another blog. Why is this not surprising? Anywho, HIMYS has clear pictures, a little interview at the end and although I'm not yet on there(aha, jk)it does pick people whose lives and personal spaces you'd actually want to look into.

It doesn't post very often, probs because it doesn't have as much hits, probs probs because growly reviwers like me paint it as rather silly. It's not, honest. Check it out guys and maybe they'll post more.

Which reminds me, I'm not terribly disciplined with braceletlady and I intend to change this, which is why are labels with this post, shock horror, pick up those jaws, (okay only one) and it's actually got a day attatched to it and a sensible title. I have plans. It'll be interesting if they actually come through..

stay tuned. ;)

Quote of the Post: 'Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.' -Doctor Seuss.

(cause blogger is fairly awkward, the credits are backwards..I'll leave you to decipher this.)

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